Karaya gum
Vegan food additives E416 supplier
Significance of Vegan Food Additives E416 Supplier to Industries
Vegan food additives E416 supplier partners with different food and beverage manufacturers to produce gum products.
Getting the best gum products makes the difference from the most competitive products and the typical options. Your cosmetic or pharmaceutical business depends on natural gum to operate. That said, food and beverage manufacturers need to partner with a reliable vegan food additives E416 supplier to ensure that the operations go smoothly.

Understanding Gum for Food and Beverages
Gum is defined as a chemical substance that comes out of a tree’s bark as an exudate. Alland & Robert Company sources the best quality hydrocolloid food additives from the swathe African Sahel and other sub-Saharan countries to ensure that you get the best quality gum products, whether Arabic or karaya.
There’s been a global food crisis in the wake of the novel Covid-19 virus, and the public demand for food products has risen. Furthermore, consumers are becoming aware of their diet and the quality of the food products that they buy. That’s where Alland & Robert Company comes in.
Started in 1885, we boast being one of th4e reliable and most excellent vegan food additives E416 supplier, thanks to our founding partners, Francique Alland and Alfred Robert. Since then, we have invested in three state-of-the-art dry spraying facilities.
Alland & Robert Company highly regards the environments, and we adhere to strict codes by heightening our focus on sustainable vegan food additives E416 supplier practices. In recent years, two of our production facilities have been assessed to ensure they are environmentally compliant. Our professionals are knowledgeable in creating the best energy-efficient work conditions.
What is E4116 Gum?
Also known as E416, acacia gum is a naturally-occurring substance that comes from the bark of an acacia tree. The gum comes out from an incision or cuts created on the tree’s bark. The use of acacia gum has increased since the dawn of the new millennium, providing raw materials for various industrial sectors that include soft drinks, flavorings, candies, and candies.
Benefits of Natural Gum Products
At Alland & Robert, we take pride in producing consumer-first natural gums. Our team comprises knowledgeable and passionate microbiologists and emulsion specialists. Our product line includes natural gums from trees, such as acacia, Arabic, shellac, and tragacanth. Acacia or Arabic gum is used for several applications that include:
There is a reason why E416 is considered to be a nutritionally enriched vegan food additive. Our gums are free from artificial sweeteners and gluten. Therefore, it alleviates IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) symptoms. According to a 2012 health surveillance published on VeryWellFit, including yogurt enriched with acacia gum helps in relieving IBS issues. We deliver the best gum products for food and beverage manufacturers in the yogurt industry. It has been confirmed that taking two glasses of yogurt daily for eight weeks prevents diarrhea – a predominant IBS.
Additionally, acacia fiber helps in the reduction of the body’s mass index. Acacia-gum-enriched products also help consumers to reduce fat in the body. It mainly helps in the cosmetic industry, providing a product for women to reduce their body fat percentage.
At Alland & Robert, we boast being one of the trusted and reliable vegan food additives E416 suppliers in the health industry, because acacia gum helps in suppressing diabetes. The natural gun offers an excellent dietary fiber that helps in reducing blood sugar. Although there has been limited research linking acacia gum and diabetes, preliminary reports show that they help manage certain complications related to diabetes.
What to Search For
We are a vegan food additives E416 supplier who is happy to offer raw materials for several products you’ll find on online retailers’ websites. When shopping for natural gums in retail stores, the gum sells as a powder, but you can also find hydrocolloid food additives as capsule, tablets, or gum form. Apart from that, we are a happy vegan food additives E416 supplier, serving bakeries and breakfast-cereal manufacturers.